
Started by hippolyta, January 21, 2017, 01:52:42 PM

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At Art Garden, we believe in growth and community. That is why we want to be part of a network, connect and make friends with other sites and communities. We want to plant seeds, and make sure that our garden and community continues to grow.

If you want to affiliate with us, please leave a post on this board with a link to your site / community / room. Feel free to grab one of our graphics to display on your end.



. Lenore .

I have added your little buttons to all my many boards. <3

I don't need links back to all of mine, they are roleplay boards not design forums annndd there are 6 of them currently lmfao! Just wanted you to know I'd popped TAG up there. xx
'To survive, you must tell stories.' - Umberto Eco